Solaris SVM mirroring root / boot disks with Solaris volume manager
APPLIES TO : Oracle Solaris 8, 9, 10
GOAL : Mirror the Solaris root disk
SOLUTION : Find below steps to mirror the root disk of Solaris 10 server.
Prerequisites : NIL
1. Copy Partition table from root to mirror disk..
prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c0t0d1s2
2. Create the metadb state databases
metadb -afc 3 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 /dev/dsk/c0t0d1s7
3. To see the new state database replicas we just created :
4. Create two submirrors for the root volume
metainit -f d11 1 1 c0t0d0s0
metainit d12 1 1 c0t0d1s0
metainit -f d21 1 1 c0t0d0s1
metainit d22 1 1 c0t0d1s1
metainit -f d31 1 1 c0t0d0s3
metainit d32 1 1 c0t0d1s3
metainit -f d41 1 1 c0t0d0s4
metainit d42 1 1 c0t0d1s4
metainit -f d51 1 1 c0t0d0s5
metainit d52 1 1 c0t0d1s5
metainit -f d61 1 1 c0t0d0s6
metainit d62 1 1 c0t0d1s6
5. Setup one way mirror OR create main mirror with primary disk's sub mirror
metainit -f d100 -m d11
metainit d200 -m d21
metainit d300 -m d31
metainit d400 -m d41
metainit d500 -m d51
metainit d600 -m d61
6. Backup the configuration files
cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.premirr
cp /etc/system /etc/system.premirr
7. Activiate the Mirror using the metaroot command which will update the /etc/system and /etc/vfstab files
metaroot d100
8. Verify the configuration file /etc/system and /etc/vfstab
cat /etc/system|grep "md"
rootdev:/pseudo/md@0:0,10,blk --> This extra line reflects the mirror configuration
cat /etc/vfstab|grep -i md
dev/md/dsk/d100 /dev/md/rdsk/d100 / ufs 1 --> the root volume entry in vfstab modified.
9. Modify the system file
echo "set md:mirrored_root_flag=1" >> /etc/system
10. Modify the vfstab for other metadevice entries
/dev/md/dsk/d200 - - swap - no -
/dev/md/dsk/d100 /dev/md/rdsk/d100 / ufs 1 no -
/dev/md/dsk/d400 /dev/md/rdsk/d400 /usr ufs 1 no -
/dev/md/dsk/d300 /dev/md/rdsk/d300 /var ufs 1 no -
/dev/md/dsk/d500 /dev/md/rdsk/d500 /opt ufs 2 yes -
/dev/md/dsk/d600 /dev/md/rdsk/d600 /oracle ufs 2 yes logging
11. Before rebooting, run the sync command multiple times and lockfs -fa command to flush the data to file system
lockfs -fa
12. Now we can reboot the system.
shutdown -i6 -g0 -y
13. Attaching the other submirror to the main mirror and sync the data
metattach d100 d12
metattach d200 d22
metattach d300 d32
metattach d400 d42
metattach d500 d52
metattach d600 d62
14. Change the swap partition from slice device to meta device
swap -l
swap -d /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1
swap -a /dev/md/dsk/d0
15. if the dump device shows any disk slice path change it to meta device path.
dumpadm -d /dev/md/dsk/d1
16. The sync will start now. To check the status of the mirror
metastat -cp
17. Install the boot block on the mirror disk
installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t0d1s0
18. Reboot the server with both primary and secondary disks to check the stability of the mirror functionality.
~ Judi ~
Post is very nice..